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Lv427-designs not-borg corridor away missions star trek inspired1
Lv427-designs not-borg corridor away missions star trek inspired2

Not-Borg Main Corridor

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Sci Fi Modular Corridor 3d printable Terrain

This is our inspired 3d board for the game [Star Trek Away Missions] by Galeforce Nine. "We've brought these maps to life for our fans, and with your support, the Federation maps could be next!  Join us in making this project a reality!"

To allow for movement and wall thickness, the tile width is 39mm.

These designs  are stand-alone and for use in this line only. We recommend glueing them together. We will be releasing a FREE adapter to join these designs with our entire range of rooms and corridors.

Dimensions: 200mm *200mm *54mm (Large)

Miniature Tile Width - 39mm

(Set to 32mm), 100% is recommended.

Three piece tile containing all terrain features. 

Borg Shield Doors Print Separately

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